Monday, March 21, 2011

What IS Sacred Geometry?

March 21st, 2011 at 9pm PST - Alice Suponch joins us for a fascinating lesson in "Sacred Geometry". Sacred geometry is referred to as the umbilical chord of life! It is the bridge between our senses... we feel, see, hear, analyze...our logical brain transforms vibration into number sequences, interpreted as images, music and language. All we know revolves around mathematical equations-- from the concentric circles that form inside a tree, to the planets revolving around the sun! The words we speak, the wind that blows... sacred geometry forms the foundation for everything we experience in life.

Join us for a stimulating conversation with Alice!

Repeats of this episode: 3/22 at 1pm PST - 3/23 at 5am PST
Alice reads at "Planet Earth Rising" in Folsom
Thursdays - 12-5pm

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