Monday, April 13, 2009

"Follow Your Dreams" - Joyce Mason

April 20th at 9pm (PST), author Joyce Mason will be talking about dreams! Why do we dream? What do our dreams mean?
How important is it to pay attention to our dreams? Joyce shares tips on how to answer these questions and more. This is an episode you won't want to miss. FOR MORE INFORMATION:
Contact Joyce: E-mail:
Phone: (916) 276-1858
Watch Paranormal Connection in the Sacramento area on Comcast - Channel 17 Anywhere else - Watch on the web at: click on WATCH 17 -Here's a hint - Log on early! The web stream only holds 2000 viewers - if you are unable get on line, call : Access Sacramento - 916-456-8600 - Let them know you want to watch "Paranormal Connection" Encore viewing Tuesday 1pm (PST) & Wednesday 5am (PST)

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