On February 16th, 2009 at 9pm (PST) -Psychic Kris Tondee will be giving us tips on what to look for in a good psychic. Join us for this enlightening discussion on how to develop your own psychic gift! Kris talks about what its like to be psychic and how to use your abilities without encroaching on others. We all have our own path to follow...Kris can help you get started!
Watch Paranormal Connection in the Sacramento area on Comcast - channel 17 - Anywhere else - Watch us on the web at: http://www.accesssacramento.org/ >click< Watch 17 - 1st and 3rd Monday - 9pm, Tues - 1pm, Weds. - 5am
Here's a hint! Come early...The webstream only holds 2000 viewers - if you can't get on call : Access Sacramento - 916-456-8600 Let them know you want to watch "Paranormal Connection".
Are you interested in psychics; astrology, past lives, auras, UFO's, intuitive healing, etc.? Watch "PARANORMAL CONNECTION" with host Dänna Wilberg, the 1st and 3rd THURSDAYS each month at 9:30pm PST, Fri. at 1:30pm and Sat. at 5:30am on Channel 17. *ALSO Watch our NEW companion show "PARANORMAL INSIGHTS" with hosts Joseph Ernest Martin and Linda Potter the 2nd and 4th THURSDAY of the month - same time!Watch Paranormal Connection online. Go to ACCESSSACRAMENTO.ORG.- Click Watch 17